Kabbalistic sources state that a women who wishes to become pregnant should take a ruby, crush it finely, add it to a drink and swallow it.
The ruby stone is sourced in the twelve tribes and is attributed to the Tribe of Reuben (Reuben-Ruby). His mother, the Matriarch Leah, sent Reuben to the field to pick red mandrakes. She planned on ingesting them to help her become pregnant.
Kabbalistic tradition maintains that a woman should wear a natural, unset ruby on her neck. Kabala states that this world is the world of action, and the woman should do this action in order to draw energy from the upper worlds. Kabala states that all limbs related to birth are red, and therefore she should take the ruby stone (which is red) and wear it on her flesh to draw the power of birth upon her.
In our days, people have weakened and don’t want to eat crushed rubies. Therefore, women traditionally wear silver necklaces (silver symbolizes charity and mercy) with natural ruby pendants. The ruby must remain in its natural state, without polishing, in order to maintain its potency for preserving pregnancy.
In the Sefer HaMiddos of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, the Hebrew letter ה is termed the ‘ה (pronounced ‘hay’) of birth’. Why? Sara the Patriarch was barren until her name was changed from Saray (with the Hebrew letter י at its end) to Sara. The ה added to the end of her name led to her pregnancy. It was the ה of birth.
Grammatically, in the Hebrew language, the letter ה at the end of a noun indicates female gender. It changes male to female, such as איש to – אישה man to woman.
The same was true about Abraham. At first, his name was ‘Abram’, without a ה. Genesis documents that before Abraham had children, G-d told him, ‘Your name will no longer be Abram but rather Abraham’. This name change was accomplished with the addition of the letter ה to his name.
Silver letters הא are a talisman for pregnancy. Silver should be worn, and not gold, since silver kabalistically symbolizes charity and gentleness, while gold symbolizes judgment and strength (such as the Golden Calf). It is particularly beneficial for women who were created from bone to wear silver talismans to nullify judgments
Fertility Talisman with Amulet:
Fish-shaped amulet with the letters הא.
Fish symbolizes good fortune. Fish live in water which has infinite bounty, purity and renewal. In addition, blessing rests on items that are not visible to the eye (therefore a pregnancy should not be publicized until it is visible). Fish symbolize fertility, good fortune, abundance; this is why fish and a fish head are eaten on the Jewish New Year. Eating fish or wearing a fish-shaped amulet draw infinite abundance from the heavens like the upper waters in the heavens and the depths of the water in the sea. Their constant current symbolizes perpetual renewal and fertility.
The letters הא also portend prosperity. The letter ה corresponds to the number five, ‘hamsa’ in Aramaic. This hand-shaped talisman is based on the Priestly Blessing (Birkat Kohanim). During this blessing, the priests face the congregation, spread out their palms and fingers in the shape of the ‘hamsa’, and bless the worshippers with prosperity, abundance, pregnancy, children and peace.
The הא is a shortened inscription of G-d’s name. It opens the gates for children (like the ruby), livelihood, abundance and protection against the evil eye. The priests conclude their blessing with the words: ‘G-d should bless you and guard you. G-d should shine His countenance on you…..and He should give you peace’. Peace amongst family members is the vessel that accumulates G-dly abundance of good fortune, prosperity and children. Peace is the receptacle for good fortune, as it says ‘You are peace, your home is peace and everything that you have is peace’.
Set of Kabbalistic stones + silver amulet for an easy birth!
Price: 549 NIS
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